Spring Electrical Safety Tips

Mar 22, 2024

Spring Electrical Safety Tips

Spring is just around the corner, and as the temperatures continue to rise, most of us will be spending more time outside. Spring is the start of the outdoor busy season. Between gardening, or doing yard work, you want to make sure you are being safe when using electricity.

Keep cords and wires dry:
You want to make sure you keep the pools, garden hoses, and sprinklers away from any electrical appliance or equipment.

Be aware of power lines:
Trimming trees is a typical spring activity. Make sure when you are up on a ladder trimming trees or doing any roof work, to make sure there aren’t any wires that are low nearby.

Inspect power tools and any electric lawn tools for damages:
If you are inspecting your tools for the first use of the spring, there are a few things you should keep a look out for. Any frayed wires, normal wear and tear, or loose connections should be fixed before use. If you can’t get them fixed right away, make sure you store them in a dry place to avoid any more damages.

If you are planning on digging for a new garden, flower bed, or whatever the project is, make sure you call 811. There may be underground wires and if you call 811 they will come out and mark any underground wires or pipes so you can safely finish your project.

Mowing on wet grass?
If you use an electric mower, it is best to make sure you are not mowing the lawn after a rainstorm. Water and electric don’t mix. Make sure if your mower uses an extension cord, that is rated correctly to use. Check this website for the best outdoor extension cords of 2024.

Clean and store your tools correctly when you aren’t using them. Keep them unplugged and stored in a dry place to ensure longevity of the tool.

So, whether you are doing yard work, maintenance, or just enjoying the nice weather, spring is a great time to be outside. If you follow these safety tips, you will be ready to have a safe and productive spring season. Just take precautions when using electrical equipment or working near the power lines. 

If there is a spring electrical project that you can’t do yourself, give us a call or request a service online today!

Spring Electrical Safety Tips
22 Feb, 2024
Can I repair my own electrical system? Electrical work can be dangerous. If you don’t have any idea what to do or where to start, you need to hire an electrician to take care of any electrical needs you have. You don’t want to get injured due to not having enough knowledge. Don’t let electrical work scare you, there are some projects homeowners can do on their own. For example, you can change out light switches, receptacles, and light housings. Make sure you switch off the breaker to the electrical circuit you are working on before you start any project. What is a GFCI outlet? Do you know the outlets with the test and reset buttons? Those are GFCI outlets. GFCI stands for ground fault circuit interrupter. These outlets are used in wet areas of a home like a kitchen and bathroom. This outlet works by killing the power to the circuit if it senses a difference in the outgoing and incoming current. These outlets help prevent electric shock due to faults. What’s the difference between a fuse and a breaker? Fuses and breakers perform similarly. They disrupt the flow of power when there is a fault in the system. The major difference between a fuse and a breaker is that when a fuse trips, it needs to be replaced. When a breaker trips, it can be easily reset. That is why breakers are used more than fuses. Why is my breaker tripping? Have you lost power in a section of your home and when you go to your panel to check you see a breaker has been tripped? That is an electrical panels way of keeping you safe. When there is too much load on the circuit, the breaker will trip. The breaker trips to prevent your wiring from overheating. How do I reset a tripped breaker? Locate the electrical panel and open the cover. A tripped breaker will be in the “off” position, or somewhere between “on” and “off”. Reset the breaker by moving it to the full “off” position and then back to the “on” position. This should restore power. If the breaker trips again, it could be because too many things are plugged into the circuit, damaged wires, bad switch, or faulty wiring. If it keeps tripping, call a licensed electrician to troubleshoot the issue for you. Should I upgrade my 100 amp to 200-amp service? Most older homes have 100-amp electrical panels. There wasn’t as much power being used then as there is now. New technology has increased the amount of amps homeowners need for all the new appliances and devices. It is worth the money to upgrade your service to a 200 amp to make sure you have enough power when you need it. It is best to have an electrician do the upgrade. Call us today to schedule a panel upgrade. Now that we have answered some of the most asked electrical questions, your next move should be to contact a licensed electrician for upgrading or repairing anything electrical. You could worsen your issue or make a bigger problem if you try to fix it on your own.
22 Jan, 2024
To keep your family safe, here are some tips to help fight an electrical fire. Knowing how to put out a small electrical fire could save you from a disaster. National estimates for 2021 show there were almost 300 deaths and 900 injuries due to electrical malfunction fires. If there is an electrical fire, here are some tips to extinguish it. Turn off the power immediately . If you can find the device that is the source of the electrical fire and safely able to unplug the cord, do so. Do not use water to put out the fire. Water conducts electricity. Adding water to an electrical fire can cause you to get shocked or spread the fire by conducting electricity throughout the room. Add baking soda If the fire is small, you may be able to smother the flame with baking soda. Use the right fire extinguisher Most residential fire extinguishers are classed ABC. These types of extinguishers are multi-purpose. Class C fires are the electrical fires. You need to make sure if you are using a fire extinguisher, it is labeled with C or ABC. You do not want to be using the wrong type of extinguisher for an electrical fire. Everyone should have a fire extinguisher that is easily accesible and kept up to date to ensure proper function in your home. Here you can find more information on fire extinguishers and purchase one for your home. If you can’t put out the electrical fire with those steps above: 1. Leave the room. Do not stay and try to fight the fire. 2. If the fire is in a room with a door, close it to contain the fire. 3. Call 911 as soon as you are safe to do so. 4. Let the firefighters put out the flames and get your home safe. Knowing how to put out an electrical fire is important, but we also need to take steps to prevent them from happening in the first place. Read our last blog about winter electrical safety.
22 Jan, 2024
Winter is when most of us stay indoors and out of the cold, chilly weather with blankets, space heaters, and a warm drink. While you are snuggled up , you should think about your electrical safety. With the cold weather we have been experiencing, many people depend on electrical devices to keep their homes warm. We use more electricity in these months and can stress the electrical system. Here are a few tips to prevent an electrical emergency, and to keep your family safe. Space heaters Using space heaters is a great way to keep extra warm during the winter. They can also be the biggest hazards in our homes. • We need to keep 3 feet of space around heaters in every direction. • Don’t plug a space heater into an extension cord. It can cause the cables to overheat. • Do not leave the heater unattended. Disconnect the heater when not in use. • Keep it free from blankets, curtains, rugs, and any other debris that could cause things to overheat or catch fire. • Replace Damaged Electrical Cords • When you bring space heaters, heated blankets, or anything you store most of the year out for use, they should be inspected before using. • If you find any frayed, worn, or broken electrical cables, it is recommended to have them replaced or fixed to prevent a fire or shock risk. Click here to read more about space heater safety. Keep Cords Safe Try to avoid running electrical cords or power strips under rugs or behind furniture. This can cause the wires to wear and can become frayed. Covering cords can block the heat from escaping. If a cord feels hot to the touch or is damaged in any way, do not use it. Hot cords can be a fire hazard. What happens if there is an electrical fire? Click here to read how to put out an electrical fire. Do not use extension cords as permanent wiring. If you find yourself using the extension cord for something permanent, call us to quote getting you set up with a new electrical outlet. Follow Light Safety While the holidays are over, it is now popular to have a holiday tree up all year long. Make sure you follow the safety tips for string lights: • Aim for no more than three strings of light per circuit. • Always unplug or turn off string lights when you are not home or go to bed for the night. • Replace broken or missing bulbs to prevent electrocution or fires. Call Us Following these guidelines can help keep your home safe from electrical issues. If you find there are any issues with the electrical system in your home, make sure you call a licensed electrician. The team at KrisLee Electric is ready to meet all your home’s needs. Contact KrisLee Electric to schedule an appointment today!
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